Hamilton Khaki Navy Belowzero Automatic Diver's Titanium H78505330 1000M Men's Watch A watch built for deep, saturation-diving professionals going beyond the normal depth ranges, the BelowZero is built to go down till 3,000 feet and a little more, if need be. That’s around 1/8th down the Mariana Trench or 12.5% of its total depth of 36 thousand plus feet or over 11,000m. The Khaki BeLOWZERO is perfect for those daring deep-sea enthusiasts.
Hamilton Khaki Navy Scuba Automatic H82335331 100M Men's Watch A leisurewear made for the beachside and poolside and a tool to be worn in the deep, the new Khaki Navy Scuba makes a splash in the ocean of styles. It is a wise choice for modern mariners, surfers, and snorkelers; others, just enjoy its eye-catching, masculine aesthetics. The bezel lets you time whatever you like, from parking meters to dive time left.